Message of Hope by Mr Chew:
"Cancer is not a death sentence if you trust in God and his creations of plants and herbs which are rich and good as medicine. Understand the root of the problems and its symptoms as early possible and by God’s grace you shall win the battle with victory."
Client name:
Mr Chew (protected)
Age onset:
57 (in year 2021)
Prostate cancer, Stage 3a (The cancer has spread beyond the outer layer of the prostate into nearby tissues. It also has spread to the seminal vesicles and bilateral pelvic lymph nodes)
Medical History:
Borderline high blood pressure
Medical Reports Findings & Medical Treatment Received:
a. Feb 2021: Annual health screening test, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) reading 16.65 ng/mL (tumour marker test for prostate cancer; normal range 0 - 3.5 ng/mL)
b. Apr 2021: Initial hospital clinical diagnosis: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) with high PSA;
TRUS Biopsy test findings (quote);
Right prostate: GLEASON 4+5=9, ISUP grade group 5
Left prostate: GLEASON 5+4=9, ISUP grade group 5
c. Jun 2021
i) CT Scan findings (quote): No evidence of distance metastasis. Tiny non-specific left upper lobe pleural based nodule.
ii) MRI Scan findings (quote): PI-RADS Category: 5
iii) Bone Scan findings (quote): No significant corresponding lesion in SPECT CT
d. Jul 2021
Started on Hormone Therapy: Leuprolide or Triptorelin 11.25mg injection every 3 monthly, suggestive treatment of radiotherapy later.
e. Sep 2021
Regular health screening test, Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) reading 10.9 ng/mL (tumour marker test for colorectal cancer; normal range 0 - 2.9 ng/mL)
f. Aug 2022
PET Scan findings (quote):
i) The findings are suggestive of PSMA avid prostate carcinoma with infiltration of seminal vesicle, and metastases to bilateral pelvic lymph nodes.
ii) Small PSMA avid left clavicular lesion is suspicious of early bone metastasis.
g. Dec 2022
Colonoscopy findings (quote): Normal, no complications.
Symptoms experienced:
- Earlier symptoms: Frequent urination at night, incomplete urination
- Severe symptoms: In May 2021, I was unable to urinate due to serious bacterial infection after biopsy test, I had to rush to the emergency and trauma department in another hospital (that was during the pandemic (EMCO road block period)) to have an urinary catheter inserted for two weeks besides taking painkiller and antibiotics.
How did you get to know of JaneGano Wellness? Why did you decide to work with JaneGano Wellness?
My wife knew Mdm Jane in 2018 and I had been driving her to Janegano Wellness Centre to do health screening and purchase health supplements. In May 2019 she had shingles on her back and her condition was managed by Mdm Jane with Ganotherapy and she fully recovered within a month.
When I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, my wife encouraged me to seek advice and second opinion from Mdm Jane as she is a well experienced integrative health consultant who has helped many cancer patients in the past two decades. Therefore I decided to believe and started my ganotherapy regimen since May 2021 concurrently with the hospital treatments until present.
What was your impression of Mdm Jane? How did she go through this healing journey with you?
Mdm Jane is very professional, knowledgeable, friendly and warm. She does not discourage the patient from seeking the conventional medical treatments but instead she would complement with the natural therapies such as the ganotherapy and diet & lifestyle modifications. Throughout my course of medical treatments at the hospital, I sent her all my medical reports while periodically undergoing the non-invasive Non-Linear Screening assessment in JaneGano Wellness Centre and she would advise me to support and optimise the outcome of my treatment with ganotherapy via DXN functional food products.
What do you think have helped in your healing journey?
At the beginning of treatment, besides the hormone therapy, I switched to organic vegetarian diet as much possible for nearly six months, did intensive breathing exercises, went for daily morning walk to obtain Vitamin D from sunlight, did regular detoxification via coffee & flora tea enema. I have also been taking the wholesome mixture of ganotherapy and concoctions religiously three times a day with daily records on note book.
The photo below shows the prostate tumour that was flushed out through urination in September 2021 after taking ganotherapy and coffee & tea enema for more than 4 months.

How's your health status now?
My PSA reached 22 ng/mL during the inflammation in May 2021 and now my latest reading in July 2023 has dropped to 2.488 ng/mL. No further treatment is suggested by oncologist for time being besides continuation of the hormone therapy. All glory to Jesus my Lord! Amen.